Visitor centre

Exhibitions & information points in Obervellach – Reisseck

Discover the National Park Hohe Tauern and get information about the nature, flora & fauna in the visitor centres and exhibitions in Obervellach-Reisseck and in Mallnitz.

Das Rangerlab im Besucherzentrum Mallnitz ©
Das Rangerlab im Besucherzentrum Mallnitz ©

Lots of information about the precious natural habitat

Interesting exhibitions provide lots of details about the backgrounds of the parks, how they came about and the historic development and natural processes. Staff and experts provide valuable insights into the day-to-day work in the conservation area and the many challenges that await, day-in, day-out. You also get helpful information about all kinds of tours and programmes.

Overview of the visitor centres

NP-Ausstellung Obervellach (c) Alexander Müller

National park exhibition Obervellach

In the ‘Oberstbergmeisteramt’ on the main square in the National Park district of Obervellach is a small, yet perfectly formed exhibit. Unmissable, the information point has interactive stations which whisk you off to the most interesting places in the National Park. Obervellach information point is also dedicated to the exciting history of the market town of Obervellach as a hub for gold mining. A fantastic place for all the family.

More information about the national park exhibition Obervellach

Besucherzentrum Mallnitz ©
Besucherzentrum Mallnitz ©

Visitor centre Mallnitz

Here state-of-the-art technology meets breath-taking natural surroundings. The recently set-up exhibition “univerzoom nationalpark” gets to the bottom of what is happening in the National Park. The maxim in the “rangerlabs”, our new research workshops, is, “learning from nature”. At the bookable workshops anyone interested can do research with rangers, experiment and then experience the natural surroundings up close during the excursions afterwards.

More information about visitor centre Mallnitz


Das sagt ein treuer NP Besucher

“Ohne die tollen Besucherzentren wäre das Erlebnis Nationalpark in den Hohen Tauern nur halb so schön. Die Infos, die einem dort geboten werden, sind enorm hilfreich bei der Planung von Touren und Programmen und die eine oder andere interaktive Führung vermittelt tolle Eindrücke des einzigartigen Naturraums. Kommen Sie und staunen Sie …!”

Let's got to Obervellach-Reißeck

If you have now had a good insight into the visitor centres in Obervellach-Reisseck and are now in the mood to get out there, then don’t lose any time and book your next holiday in Obervellach-Reisseck.


Wintersaison leider beendet
Winter season closed

ab 15.03.2020

Werte Partner und Gäste,
aus gegebenem Anlass beenden wir die Wintersaison schneller als geplant.
Die Skigebiete schließen am Sonntag, 15. März, die Beherbergungsbetriebe am Montag, 16. März.

Alle aktuellen Informationen finden Sie auf
Wir freuen uns, Sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!

Dear guests and partners!
Due to the occasion the winter season 2019/2020 finishs earlier than planned.
The lifts will close with Sunday, 15. March 2020 and the accommodation establishments with Monday, 16. March 2020.

All information about this you will find on
We look forward to welcoming you at later.