Tradition and customs

Preserving the good and old – for many generations

It’s about identity, about origin and about not losing sight of what has made our region and homeland strong. We live in turbulent times, everything is getting faster, more hectic and driven. Also more digital, international and untransparent, making it more and more important to remember your roots and knowing where you come from. In Obervellach-Reisseck we know this and do not lose sight of it.

TK Obervellach

Music & dance

Our local bands in traditional costumes from Kolbnitz and Obervellach are known well beyond the region. With their springtime concerts they mark the annual beginning of a series of concerts spread throughout the year. The musicians launch into their merry tunes when there are fairs to celebrate or it’s time for the harvest festival. The annual “brass music days” begin already at 6 o’clock in the morning with the “wakening calls”. Then the musicians march through the townships playing their instruments while being treated to food and drink.

Herkuleshof am Danielsberg (c) Herkuleshof (1)

The Georgifest

Danielsberg mountain, not just a place with much history and a true power place, but also a location with lots of tradition. Every year, on the last Sunday in April, the population of Reisseck and all of Mölltal Valley flock up to Danielsberg mountain and we celebrate the Georgifest. The celebrations begin at 10 o’clock with a Holy Mass in the St George Church at Danielsberg mountain and continue with a morning get-together supported by the Kolbnitz banned in traditional costumes all around Herkuleshof Inn. Most of those participating would never hesitate to show up in traditional costume.


Springlike customs

The night from 30 April to 1 May is a very important one. After the May pole

has been ceremonially put up on the evening of 30 April, it needs to be safely guarded during the following night. Because the lads from the neighbouring villages are just waiting for an opportunity to steal it. The good thing is that while the lads are on their way to steal the May pole in Obervellach, they are unable to guard their own! The summer solstice on 21/6 is an important date, as summer in the region is rung in on this day with a giant fire.


On the highlight of summer

a special time dawns in Obervellach-Reisseck, too. The weekly “marketTime” treats visitors to culinary art and musical highlights. At the courtyard and cellar festival, select wines from Austrian wine growing areas can be sampled in the unique private courtyards and cellars of the old mining community of Obervellach. The evening also features an extensive, supporting art and music programme.


Autumn sets in

After summer has passed its peak with the “marketTime” in Obervellach, it’s time for the harvest festival and traditional, culinary specialities. On the first Sunday in October, the traditional harvest festival takes place in Obervellach. The culinary motto is “tasty treats from the farm, forest and river” – truly delicious, giving thanks for a good harvest this way. After the opening mass in the parish church, a festive procession with the harvest crown, the societies and floats leads to the main square.


The days become shorter and the nights darker

When it’s time for the St. Martin’s Festival in November, we get ready for very special culinary treats. All around Martinmas you can enjoy tasty goose in numerous inns and taverns, simply wonderful. The children are very excited when they make their rounds around the village with their home-made lanterns. They get even more excited at the start of the twelve nights after Christmas, when various ghoulish figures roam through the night, striking terror into people’s hearts during numerous Perchten or Incubus processions.

The year ends on a festive note

As everywhere in the country, the Advent and Christmas period also represents a traditional highlight in Obervellach-Reisseck.

Numerous Christmas markets beckon to stroll, sample and truly get into the festive spirit. People come from far away to marvel at the famous Christmas decoration at Herkuleshof Inn by Danielsberg mountain. As in many places, too, we end the year with festive New Year’s celebrations. We welcome the New Year with a magnificent fireworks display which you should definitely not miss.

Are you interested in the traditions around Obervellach-Reisseck

and want to learn more about our customs and traditional festivities, which provide us with true highlights all through the year? Then we welcome you to our region.

For more information, please contact us or send your inquiry. We are looking forward to hearing from you!


Wintersaison leider beendet
Winter season closed

ab 15.03.2020

Werte Partner und Gäste,
aus gegebenem Anlass beenden wir die Wintersaison schneller als geplant.
Die Skigebiete schließen am Sonntag, 15. März, die Beherbergungsbetriebe am Montag, 16. März.

Alle aktuellen Informationen finden Sie auf
Wir freuen uns, Sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!

Dear guests and partners!
Due to the occasion the winter season 2019/2020 finishs earlier than planned.
The lifts will close with Sunday, 15. March 2020 and the accommodation establishments with Monday, 16. March 2020.

All information about this you will find on
We look forward to welcoming you at later.