
Mountains, Nature, Sports & Culture

The township of Reisseck boasts plenty of diversity. Surrounded by a breathtaking alpine world, there is much to see and do. NATURE is a constant companion in and around Reisseck and that’s why you should also definitely partake in the wide range of sports and outdoor options all around Reisseck. But not without forgetting the arts, culture and history. It certainly won’t get boring.

m above sea level
Riekenfall - Kolbnitz

Mountains, Hills & Steep slopes

The mountains begin just outside the town centre, because the township of Reisseck lies directly at the foot of 962 m high Danielsberg mountain. Behind it, things get both higher and wilder, the township is located exactly between the Reisseck Group in the north and the Kreuzeck Group in the south. Climbing enthusiasts are on the right track, they have the choice from a number of great and breathtaking mountain tours and hikes heading for all points of the compass. Support is provided by the Kreuzeck Panoramic Funicular which will take you up to the mountains safely and reliably, so that you’ll enjoy a decisive advantage when hiking.

Our map with beautiful hiking-tours 

Mölltaler Gletscher ©Andifrank
Mölltaler Gletscher ©Andifrank

Skiing & Winter sports

In winter, the inneralpine location of Reisseck makes itself felt all the more. Those mountain cableways which in summer lead up to scenic hikes, carry skiers and winter sports fans up to the mountains in winter. Near the townships of Obervellach-Reisseck and thus just round the corner is Flattach, home to Carinthia’s only glacier ski area, Mölltal Glacier. At 3,122 m above sea level, in addition to reliable snow conditions, winter sports fans will find optimal conditions for practising, relaxing or enjoying the views almost all year round. Old and young can also practice their swings at various smaller ski areas and local ski lifts.

Herkuleshof Danielsberg (c) Herkuleshof_Michael Messner

History and culture

The mountains also play an important role in this. On history-charged Danielsberg with its 962 m of altitude, a 6000 year old cult site can be found. Already around 500 BC the Celts populated the region, digging for gold, silver and iron here. How do we know this? Numerous tools made of stone were found in the area of Danielsberg, pointing to this. Mining played an important role in all of Mölltal Valley, which can be traced back all the way to the 18th century. Historians assume that the Illyrian Veneti already looked for iron in the Tauern region around 1000 BC, and also stayed in the area of today’s Reisseck.

See all cultural places in a map

Infos & contact

Info & booking centre Obervellach-Reißeck
9821 Obervellach 58 | Austria
phone: +43 4824 2700-30 | fax: DW -3

So, convinced that a stay in Reisseck is good not just for your health, but also makes for eventful holidays for the whole family? Then don’t lose any time and become our guests as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to welcome you!

Info & booking hotline

    Schicken Sie uns Ihre unverbindliche Anfrage

    Wintersaison leider beendet
    Winter season closed

    ab 15.03.2020

    Werte Partner und Gäste,
    aus gegebenem Anlass beenden wir die Wintersaison schneller als geplant.
    Die Skigebiete schließen am Sonntag, 15. März, die Beherbergungsbetriebe am Montag, 16. März.

    Alle aktuellen Informationen finden Sie auf
    Wir freuen uns, Sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!

    Dear guests and partners!
    Due to the occasion the winter season 2019/2020 finishs earlier than planned.
    The lifts will close with Sunday, 15. March 2020 and the accommodation establishments with Monday, 16. March 2020.

    All information about this you will find on
    We look forward to welcoming you at later.